Finding a Hockey/Life Balance that Works for Your Family

Life is busy, especially when you add kids and sports into the mix. Which is why we want to share our thoughts on ‘Finding a Hockey/Life Balance that Works for Your Family’, lending both our understanding and encouragement on how we feel you can achieve that balance without losing out on one or the other.

Play to Play

Although the saying often used is: “play to win”, at NHTC – we know that it’s not realistic to win every game every time. That being said, we also understand having a winning mindset; part of that is coming to hockey practice to simply play though, bringing enjoyment to the game and not just competition.

A healthy balance of a playful spirit and a winning attitude will ensure your child embraces the process of learning to play hockey, being a good sport while doing so, and enjoying the game overall.

Play to Learn

Hockey parents are often perceived as “all things hockey, all the time”, and although there may be the odd parent whose passion is immersed in hockey through their child; most parents are here to help their son or daughter learn to play and play to learn.

Taking life, or hockey for that matter, too seriously, can really bring the mood down, so help create a positive experience in everything you do, instilling in your child that life is a massive learning experience based on attitude, adaptability, and a willingness to participate positively in the ups and downs it brings.

Plan Your Play

With summer hockey schedules coming up quickly, planning your summer to maximize both your hockey training while still maintaining a healthy life balance, will better ensure everyone has a successful summer.

Keeping your kids pumped about hockey practice will be much easier if it isn’t the only activity that makes up their summer months, but instead, is balanced by a variety of other activities to prevent hockey burnout.

Your child will advance in hockey AND life successfully when they know how to balance such things, tackling these or other areas of their world with equal measures of playing, learning and planning.

Allow us to help you set up these guiding principles through hockey, helping your child learn to champion various goals they set their “stick and puck” to – literally and figuratively!

Give us a call at 604-534-7825 to discuss what will work best for your child and family this summer – we’re here to help and happy to do so.

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