4 Ways to Help Your Child Fall in Love with Hockey

Perhaps your child once loved the sport of hockey but reached burnout. Or, perhaps they simply need an added push during a time that may feel less motivating to them. Whatever the case may be, NHTC wants to encourage parents with these ‘4 Ways to Help Your Child Fall in Love with Hockey ’.

  1. Play Hockey with Your Child Just for Fun

Whether you’re a traditional “hockey parent” who is motivated to push them to be better as an athlete, or you simply love playing the game yourself; playing hockey with your child just for fun counts for a lot.

Not only can it help motivate them to get in the game, but it can also help teach them the art and fun of positive play. After all, it’s not always about winning, sometimes it’s truly just about the fun of playing!

2. Balance Free Time with Ice Time

This one doesn’t really seem overly difficult right now, and perhaps the opposite is true – we have too much “free time”.

However, that free time may feel like the only reprieve you have from at-home work schedules, and potentially schooling your child at home too. And we get it – that’s a lot.

That being said, we would encourage you to push through the reprieve and choose to enjoy your time courtside as your child enjoys ice time. This type of outing could make a huge difference to your routine, and make free time feel truly …freeing!

3. Enjoy the Effort, Worry Less About the Outcome

Kids tend to need a lot of praise – and rightfully so. But it only goes so far coming from a coach. Coming from a parent, however, can mean the world.

So, regardless of how they play the game and what outcome they achieve – win or lose, praise them for their efforts more often than correcting them on their skills. Our coaches will focus on enhancing their game, so, as a parent – you can simply enjoy your child’s efforts!

4. Allow Your Child to Choose Their Own Sport

If hockey has been your sport of choice for your child, consider letting them choose a sport for a season.

Often times taking a break from a sport they show potential in can help turn that potential into a passion. Burnout is a real thing when it comes to ‘the love of the game’. By allowing your child to choose their own sport, it will likely make them feel a sense of liberty and freedom, as well as ensure they truly enjoy the game of their choosing.

For those who have young athletes that absolutely love the sport of hockey, NHTC is here to keep that passion alive. For those who simply want to try out the sport of hockey – we’re here to help instill that passion, and be the conduit that helps your child fall in love with hockey! Call our Langley hockey coaches today.

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